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Ms. Sieker has a dark, sordid past: She used to be a Seahawk. Though she grew up living a block down the street from Mira Costa, she chose to attend Redondo Union instead. She was young and naive, so don't judge, and don't fret--her loyalties lie with Mira Costa now, and she currently bleeds green and gold.

After an entire decade of teaching English at Mira Costa, Ms. Sieker is still head over heels in love with teaching literature. She hopes that the intensity of her ardent enthusiasm for the subject will neither creep you out nor annoy you, but be forewarned: She is ridiculously stoked to read and discuss books with you and to grade your essays.

Along with a penchant for literature and a passion for teaching, Ms. Sieker also enjoys practicing yoga, chilling out through meditation, eating delicious vegan food, writing poetry, listening to vinyl, and conquering Celiac Disease (Gluten is her nemesis).