Scoliosis Screening

Scoliosis Screening

State law requires that school districts in California provide scoliosis screening for seventh grade girls and eighth grade boys. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine and can affect the function of parts of the body. The screening is a simple one and occurs during school, in physical education class. If a spinal problem is suspected, an Orthopedic Nurse Specialist from Children’s Hospital will re-screen these students on March 22, 2012. Parents of students found to have signs of a possible spinal abnormality will be notified and will be asked to see their own physicians for further evaluation. Girls will be screened separately to ensure privacy. A bathing suit may be worn during the screening. All students will be screened unless a letter is filed with our Health Assistants, Janet Wilson or Colette Ferran, requesting your child not be screened. If your child is currently under treatment for a spinal problem, please let us know.
Please check your students backpack and ensure that the weight is no more than 15% of their current body weight.
Tami Simmons RN, PHN, District Nurse (310) 318-7345 x5932

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